9 Types Of People Narcissists Will Surely Go After

9 Types Of People Narcissists Will Surely Go After

Narcissists are everywhere; they’re in your workplace, they’re in your family, and they’re in your social circles. It’s almost impossible to avoid them. But what you might not know is that narcissists don’t just go after anyone; they have specific people they target. If you know what those people are, you can be better prepared to deal with a narcissist and protect yourself from them.

If you’re looking to avoid narcissists, here are nine types of people narcissists will surely go after:

Number 1: People who are accommodating.

People who are accommodating are attractive to narcissists. These people will let the narcissist have his or her way, even if it means breaking the rules or disregarding the feelings of others. Because narcissists are obsessed with power and control, they dislike being dominated. If you’re accommodating, you won’t be a threat to their ego or need for control. Narcissists are very charming and charismatic, so it’s easy for them to attract the attention of people willing to accommodate their every need. These people will be more likely to give in when the narcissist asks for something because they want to please him or her. The narcissist may ask for money, favors, or even sexual favors. The accommodating person will likely say yes because they feel like they owe it to the narcissist for some reason.

Number 2: People who have low self-esteem.

Narcissists are experts at detecting people’s insecurities and knowing how to exploit those self-esteem issues. Low self-esteem makes you more likely to believe anything a narcissist tells you about yourself. And if you believe them when they say you’re worthless or not good enough, they’ll be able to control your behavior and keep you under their control. Narcissists will try to control your thoughts in addition to your behavior. They’ll have a much easier time getting what they want from you if they can make you feel bad about yourself. People with low self-esteem are easily exploited because they crave and seek attention, recognition, and validation. They are more susceptible to the narcissist’s deception and manipulation.

Number 3: People who are easily impressed with flattery.

If you are easily impressed by someone who tells you how wonderful you are, what a catch you are, or how much they admire your ability to do something, you may be a prime target for narcissists. Narcissists use compliments to manipulate their victims into doing what they want them to do. Flattery is the narcissist’s bread and butter. They’ll do anything to get your attention and use any technique to make you believe they genuinely care about you. If you’re easily impressed with flattery, then be careful if someone’s flattering you all the time and making it seem like it’s just because they think so highly of you and admire who you are. Chances are that there’s an ulterior motive behind all those nice things they’re saying. You might just fall right into their trap.

Number 4: People who are overly responsible and selfless.

Narcissists prey on people who are selfless and responsible. They enjoy preying on people who are the first to volunteer or always say yes to and ask for help. They are looking for friends and partners who will do things for them without question. So, if you spend your time doing favors for others, you may become a target. Narcissists believe they can take advantage of you if you constantly care for everyone else. Another reason is that over-responsible people frequently believe they have no right to be happy, which narcissists will exploit. If you suspect someone is trying to take advantage of your good nature, consider whether their requests feel like they are being asked by someone else who needs help, rather than being told by someone who wants to take over. If narcissists appear to be asking for help with something they should be able to handle on their own, they may be attempting to get what they want without having to do any work.

Number 5: People who overlook the bad.

Narcissists are constantly looking for validation and attention, and to obtain it, they will frequently seek out people willing to overlook their flaws or turn a blind eye to them. Narcissists love to be around those who ignore their bad behavior because it allows them to continue doing what they want without worrying about getting in trouble. Narcissists know that if they can make you feel like their imperfections are entirely normal, you’re likely to overlook them. In your life, narcissists are not afraid to be mean or cruel if that’s what it takes to get their way. And trust me, if you don’t stand up for yourself, they’re going to walk all over you. You have to learn how to set boundaries with them. If someone makes a request of you, and it’s something that makes you uncomfortable, don’t do it. Don’t let them guilt-trip you into doing things for them. Instead, tell them why you can’t do it and suggest alternatives that might work better for them.

Number 6: People who forgive so easily.

Narcissists will go after you if you’re the type of person who forgives easily. Narcissists are always looking for people to take advantage of to make themselves feel better about their shortcomings. And if you’re quick to forgive, they’ll try to get into your good graces. Narcissists don’t want to change their behavior because they don’t think they have done anything wrong. Narcissists go after people who forgive easily because it allows them to do whatever they want without being held accountable for their actions. They know that you won’t hold it against them or cause any problems for them by bringing up the past and making them feel bad about it.

Number 7: People who are easily influenced.

Narcissists enjoy going after easily influenced people because it makes them feel superior to them. They will choose someone unlikely to challenge their ideas or deprive them of power. Narcissists want people who will follow them, which means they will avoid people with strong personalities who aren’t afraid to speak up when they disagree with what the narcissist says. Narcissists prefer to be in charge of everything around them, including the people they interact with. They’re looking for people they can shape and mold into what they want them to be. Narcissists want someone open to the narcissist’s ideas and opinions but do not have their own. They want someone easily influenced by their words and actions because that person will not challenge or defend themselves when the narcissist becomes abusive.

Number 8: People who are sensitive and vulnerable.

Narcissists are drawn to vulnerable and sensitive people because it makes it easy for them to gain power over someone else. They know that if they can get these people under their spell, they’ll be able to use them as a source of attention, admiration, and validation. These people tend to be more trusting and less guarded, making them easier to manipulate. They are also more likely to believe that the narcissist has changed or is sorry for their previous behavior. Narcissists will seek out these people because they know they’ll be easy targets who won’t stand up for themselves. They’re looking for people who are likely to believe their lies and who will put up with their abuse. Narcissists would make it seem like it’s your fault that they treat you poorly and that things would be different if you were stronger and more independent.

Number 9: Submissive people.

Narcissists want to be the leader of the pack. They like to be in charge and they like to have their way. Narcissists want to be the most critical person in the room and are not afraid to observe dominance over others. Narcissists like to go after people who are submissive because it makes them feel powerful and in control. The more someone can do things for them, the better it makes them think of themselves. Narcissists will go after people who are submissive also because they know they will have an easier time controlling their emotions and getting what they want from them. Submissive people are easy targets for narcissists because they are likely less assertive and confident in their communication style.

Read More: 8 Clear Signs to Identify a Narcissist.

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